Why We Should Use Animation In Business

Digirater Seo
5 min readOct 26, 2021


A recent article by Smart Insights published new statistics on video marketing for 2020. The article states that 92 percent of marketers believe that video marketing is increasing in importance. Therefore, it should be element of their plans. In addition, it is knowing that 53% consumers are drawn to a brand after watching videos via social networks. The report also notes that advertising for digital video has grown by 53% from 2016.

The numbers are obvious that more time is spent online watching videos as than any time before. People are drawn to visual content and can process images up to 60 times faster than text, particularly when images are moving. Animation in particular is able to grab the attention of the viewer within less than one-tenth of one second.

Videos are a fantastic method to boost engagement with users and build branding awareness. Additionally they are an extremely effective tool for influencing users to visit your site. Thus, increasing the rate of conversion. Find out more about how we improved an image of our client through the use of a video animation app by reading the Canny Bites case study.

It doesn’t matter if you choose live video or an animated. One thing is certain: you must incorporate video into your content marketing plan. In this blog, we’re going look at our top five reasons why businesses should employ animation. If you’d like to know more about what kind of video marketing strategy to choose, take a look at our previous blog post about « Animated video vs. live videos — which should you pick which one?

1. Your name creates an unforgettable and lasting impression

Advertising can be used in a more innovative way. Brands and businesses are able to leave an unforgettable impression on prospective and existing customers. Companies can provide a deeper understanding of their goals objectives, values ​​and motives. Thus giving their customers a greater perception of what they stand for as a company. And also their values ​​and how they can assist customers.

One company that has utilized animation to advertise to amazing impact has been John Lewis. John Lewis are famous for their Christmas ads that feature imaginative animation. The brand is now associated with Christmas. The advertisements are renowned for their storytelling, employing different types of animation and the emotional and nostalgic reaction they invoke, all while subtilly advertising their goods. This kind of advertisement has altered how people perceive the company, and the most important thing is that people are able to remember it. When we’re approached for the first time by our clients, we’re frequently asked about how their brand could draw new customers. Creative advertising is usually the best place to start. This could be any of the above or a mix of PR, digital and the use of social media for marketing.

video animation app
video animation app

2. It’s easy to grasp

If you’re working with a complex concept or product, trying to convey it in a text-only format isn’t an easy task. Based on way the text is written as well as how technically it is, your audience might or may not be able to connect with and appreciate the message. Flat images and copy do not necessarily make an idea come alive in the same way that animated videos do.

Animation is an excellent way to communicate a an intricate and technical message using an animated short story. One excellent example is a film we developed for Pirate. Pirate’s technology integrates connectivity in the fiber level of fabric, allowing many different uses and clearly bringing advantages to the companies who are creating solutions for wearables.

3. Animation increases conversion rates

When visitors see videos on websites and are 100percent more likely to stay there than just bouncing off of it. Furthermore is that 64% of people tend to take the desired action, whether it’s submit a form to contact or purchase something, after having watched videos.

If you make use of animation to present the advantages that your item or service offers users, they are more likely to view the whole video rather than read the content on your site. This allows your message to be conveyed in a way that is engaging while the user is also learning more about your company. A call to action towards the end in the clip is a fantastic method to motivate the viewer to take actions.

4. It’s entertaining and enjoyable

In the same manner that animated films and cartoons for children seek to draw attention with their entertainment and imagination Marketing strategies are also designed to attract attention through these strategies. App explainer videos is typically used for entertainment, not as a sort of as marketing tool, and therefore, people are more likely to focus on animations more than traditional ads.

Animation is not just an effective method to tell an engaging story and connect with your customers, but animation has unlimited possibilities. It doesn’t have to be realistic or exact It can be enjoyable and imaginative. It’s a fantastic opportunity to display your brand’s personality. Just look at The Money Supermarket’s Epic Action Man advert, which isn’t exactly in line with what they sell, but certainly an enjoyable way to entertain customers and create memorable.

5. Content is easily updated without reshooting

In the age of digital it’s essential to keep up with changes and demonstrate that you’re relevant, particularly working in an industry that’s constantly evolving like technology. It’s essential to regularly change your marketing materials and your messaging in line with this.

An animated video is a fantastic option to keep the quality of your content. If you’re looking to alter your content to reach a different group of people, or to alter the message or images it is much simpler and less expensive editing instead of reshooting the whole video.

In short that animation is an effective marketing tool, it’s a fantastic method to connect with your clients, making them remember your brand, reach new audiences, and boost conversions.



Digirater Seo

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